So the site has been down for several months due to a ton of shit going on in Nady and i's lives. As you guys who have known us for a while know that we lost our home when our aunt and uncle, who we have been taking care of for the past 9 years, passed away in January of 2020. So we moved in with my mother, who loves it when Nadi and I live with her. My mom is 74 and feels safer when we are here. This town is getting dangerous, and her garage and storage shed have both been broken into as well as stuff stolen off the back porch. Luckily, the actual house hasn't been broken into, but that person or people who got into the garage could have just opened a door that goes right into the kitchen, which is never locked. I bought her new garage doors a few years ago, so it is quite a bit harder to get into. She has also fallen a couple of times, with once not able to get back up. Fortunately, Nadi came over to her house (we were living out near my aunt and uncle's place at the time), found her laying in the hallway and were able to get her up. She had been laying there for about an hour. She didn't get hurt, but still... she easily could have. So when we were kicked out of our house out in the country, which was right next door to mu aunt and uncle's house where their son lived before he died in February of 2018, we asked my mom if we could move back in with her, which she was more than happy to allow us to do so. We lived with her after my divorce from my second wife (my first wife was killed in a car crash back in 1998) because I lost everything in that divorce. I wanted out of that relationship so fucking fast that I told her she could have everything (including the house that I had just dropped a downpayment of 20 grand on). So when that happened, I asked my mom if I could live with her until I had enough money to either rent an apartment or buy a house. After a few short months, I had enough cash to put down a decent downpayment on a place due to having my store where I sold mainly gold and silver bullion, along with some other things like knives, musical instruments, and all sorts of other stuff. But my main income was from buying and selling gold and silver.
Anyway, once I got enough dough saved up, I told my mom that I was gonna go put a downpayment on a place that I had found and she asked me to stay with her due to her feeling safer with me here. This house is plenty big enough for all of us to lie comfortably, so of course I decided to stay with her and just give her some money every month to help with the bills. The house is completely paid for, so there's no payments there, and all of our vehicles are paid for, so we only have to pay the normal bills every month. You know... water, electricity, gas, TV streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Disney, ESPN, Peacock, HBO, and Apple TV), the cell phones, the landline phones and house and car insurance. So that's all we have coming out of our pocket these days.
So the reason we were kicked out of our house out in the country is because my uncle's will didn't get updated. He originally had it set to leave 25% to each of his 2 siblings and the 2 siblings of my aunt who were still alive, which of course is my mom and her brother, who is a complete dick, has his hand out, never does anything that doesn't benefit him, and is just an absolute piece of shit. Hell, he even called the very same day my uncle died (my aunt passed away just 12 days before my uncle) asking how much things were worth, like my uncle's impressive collection of classic cars, which was about 20 vehicles, and that's just the classics, not counting the 2 SUVs and the rest of the daily driver cars. Jesus Christ... who has that much greed that they don't even give anyone time to mourn before trying to figure out how much money is going to fall into his grubby fucking hands? What a goddamn loser.
Now, the will was meant to be amended to leave Nadi and I the whole 10 acres which had 3 livable houses and another that is just used for storage as well as a pair of 6 car garages, a 4 car garage, a 1 car garage, and 3 carports. He was also going to leave his younger sister a very nice 1937 Pontiac, leave me and Nadi each a Ford Edsel, and leave me a 1964 Barracuda. But the amendment wasn't made official before my aunt and uncle died, so Nadi and I receive nothing. I couldn't give a rat's ass about inheriting anything. But what pisses me off is that nobody else cares about Nadi and I and all they care about is getting a bunch of money, which about 400 grand has been paid out so far, giving each of the heirs 100 grand each. My mom, at least, feels bad enough to give Nadi and I 30% of hers, which of course comes out to 30 grand, which is partly what got Nadi back on our feet. So at least we are sitting in a good place financially. With part of what my mom gave me, I was able to purchase a new computer after my old one caught a power surge which completely destroyed it. Since most of our income coming from developing and designing websites, mobile apps, logos, and branding, it's hard to get anything in the bank without the one and only thing I need to make those things come together. And I mean... we do it all for online marketing. Not only what I listed there, but we also sell domains, hosting, business-class email, SSL certificates, social media integration, and pretty much every other type of online marketing you can think of.
So now that I have a new computer, I am back to work and have around 7 websites to put together. So we're in good shape for the most part now. The only issue we have now is the fact that when we moved, I had to leave my '64 Barracuda (which I had to buy from the estate), and my 3 motors that I had stored in my uncle's garage with his permission and couldn't bring them with us when we moved, but was making room for them at my mom's place. The new owners guaranteed me that I could leave them out there for as long as I needed, seeings how they had enough garages to store 16 vehicles, which of course they don't own anywhere that many, as well as leave my car out there. A few weeks later, just out of the blue and without any notification, Nadi noticed that my motors had been listed on Facebook for sale by that broad who her and her husband who bought the property. Then I asked about the car, which the husband said "No, you can't come get it, and I've already started the paperwork to get a title for it", which of course I have already. So that broad told us "you can come get it if you pay for storage. She wanted me to pay $40 A DAY to store the car, $15 A DAY for the motors, and $15 A DAY for a small utility trailer that is sitting outside. Now, when she made that so called "offer" to get my stuff back, it had been out there for 60 days, So yea... she wants $70 a fucking day total for storage. Like I'm gonna write that bitch a check for $4200 to get my stuff back.
So now we are taking her and her husband to court. With a little luck, he will come up with a verdict in my favor. If that happens, I just have to hope those fuckers didn't damage my car or those motors that my uncle, stepfather, and I had restored 30 years ago (almost to the day) and have a shitload of sentimental value, seeing's how both my stepfather and uncle are gone now. Goddamn, people are just pieces of fucking shit these days.
And this is why I refuse to let money control my life. Money means absolutely nothing to me. Whenever there's some money sitting in the bank, I ALWAYS send it to people who need it. To me, it makes no sense seeing money sit in a bank account doing absolutely nothing when there are people who have nothing to eat and nowhere to live. So I take that idle money so at least a few people can have some food and a roof over their head, at least for a while until they can get back on their feet. I guess I really should leave a couple grand in the bank just in case something happens where I need some cash to resolve. You know... like a computer dying on me, leaving me with no way to make money. I have that little safety nest now so I never have to be in the absolutely humiliating situation where I have to ask someone for help again. Goddamn, that was embarrassing when I had to do that earlier this year. Never before in my life have I had to ask for help. I hope I never have to do that again, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure I never have to.
Ok, moving on. When the estate got to work, I was able to not only save the Barracuda, which is now in jeopardy, but I was also able to buy a super nice, near mint 1986 Chrysler Town and Country Lebaron woodie wagon for Nadi for next to nothing. Paid a grand for it. Got lucky on that one. Here's a funny story for ya: the worthless trustee claimed she had a professional appraiser go out there to put prices on all of the vehicles. I call bullshit, seeing's how that Chrysler books at $6500 due to it's amazing condition. But somehow a Honda wagon that my cousin used to drive, which the paint is in horrid shape, the interior isn't in all that great of shape, and it doesn't even fucking run right appraised at $1500. Another reason I call bullshit is due to the fact that there were prices on 2 1941 Chryslers. That's a neat trick, considering there's only 1 out there. But there were 2 titles, one of which went to a scrap 1941 Chrysler that my uncle sold about 15 years ago, along with about a half dozen other scrap cars because the neighbor bitched about them destroying her view. So yea... I'm pretty sure that she just had some dipshit look at the stack of titles and chuck a guess on them all.
This trustee needs to find a different profession. She hired some people to do the estate sale out there. She paid them 45 fucking percent to do it. What the actual fuck????? I talked with some other people who have done estate sales, and they all said that was absolutely unheard of and ridiculous. I mean, I talked to several people who do estate sales. Most of them get between 7 and 12% of the proceeds. There's no fucking reason why this useless broad hired someone who takes nearly half of the proceeds. MAYBE if that group of people who ran that sale set up everything on their own, but even then, thats super steep. But they didn't even set it up all themselves. There were other people who were hired to move stuff from the other houses to the main one and organize the garage, which was absolutely PACKED with antique stereos, car parts, and musical instruments. Plus, that "trustee" paid those people $30 an hour to do it! And of course those people took their sweet-ass time going through that stuff.
To top all this off, they ran 2 different sales out there. At the end of the first one, the trustee sent out an email to the beneficiaries and said "they sold everything!". I was like, "I bet whatever was left on the last day was all sold off for next to nothing." This was obviously true, seeing's how at the end of the second I was out there, and the bitch running the sale said "Hey, Ziggy, make me an offer on all the stuff that's left". So I said "how about a hundred bucks?" She couldn't say "yes" any faster. Shit, if I would have said "$10", she would have probably jumped on it just so she could make a whole extra four and half bucks. So for a hundred bucks, I was able to bring home more than $2000 worth of stuff. Makes you wonder how much stuff she practically gave away from the first one, which was fucking retarded. Why not just leave it there and put it on the second sale? Because they wanted to make sure they could squeeze as much as they could out of the first one just in case the trustee didn't hire them to do the second one. But why wouldn't the trustee hire them again? There's no way she didn't get a kick-back out of that 45% those goddamn bitches who ran the sale got. This fucking trustee needs to be investigates, I swear. She's gotta be getting kickbacks from the people she hired to do the sale as well as those people she paid $30/ hour to go through that garage and throw away the trash. Oh yea, and they supposedly only threw away cash. Bullshit. There was a lot of stuff that I know was in the garage that didn't make it to the sale. So one of 2 things happened: either those people stole that stuff, which was worth a pretty penny, or they are so fucking retarded that they threw that valuable stuff away. I'm gonna go with the first one, considering I had a $400 winch hanging from one of the I-beams in the main garage that magically disappeared. "I watched those guys out there when they were cleaning, and I watched those people who came to get the cars for auction", said the trustee. Yea? Then where did my fucking winch go? Did that steel evaporate or melt or something? OK, you fucking bitch. Whatever you say.
Speaking of those classic cars, that greedy ass I talked about above DEMANDED that the trustee send them all to fucking Arizona to be sold off. That auction was fucking useless. Those cars were practically given away. None of them sold for anywhere near what they should have. One thing that really pisses me off is how they handled that 1937 Pontiac. That thing had sentimental meaning my my uncle's niece. The whole reason my uncle bought that car was because he and his older sister both learned how to drive in a car identical to that one. So his niece offered the trustee 11 grand for it, which the trustee turned down because that useless appraiser set the price on it of 11.5. So because the offer was 500 bucks short, that fucker who I refuse to call my uncle told the trustee to refuse the offer. So what do they do? They send it to auction, where it sold for a mere $7500. Why the fuck didn't they put a reserve on it for 11 grand????? I mean, there was that offer on the table. If it didn't reach that bid at auction, why not just sell it to my uncle's niece for 11 large? Yea... this shit all makes perfect sense, doesn't it? Now, typically when there's an auction for vehicles, the auctioneer or the company that sells them gets 3%. Guess what these guys got. 35%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???????????? Tell me that the trustee didn't get a kickback from that.
Goddamn, this estate is being handled horribly. My mom, Nadi, and I wanted to buy one of the 2 five acre lots. The one with the nice 3 bedroom mobile home, which looks like a double wide, but it's not. It's the largest single wide you could get at the time. They don't even make them that big anymore because they're too big to haul. The side we were gonna buy has 2 of the 3 houses on it, a pair of 6-car garages, and a 3-car carport as well as a nice storage shed. Since the supposed appraisers who priced those properties put it at 122 grand, we told the trustee that if there was enough cash coming from the estate, we wanted to purchase that 5 acre piece. For more than a year and a half, that trustee told us there would be plenty of money there to buy it. That would have been perfect for us. Then we could have sold mom's house in town, which will easily bring 115 grand or more. That's one reason why I left my stuff out there, which I was told I could do seeing's how were getting the place. But magically, a couple months we got the bombshell dropped that we couldn't get it and had to get all of our stuff out of there, which was quite a bit since we bought what was left of the stuff from the sale. So now this house we live in now is jam-packed with stuff. All 3 bedrooms are filled, wall to wall. Nadi and I stay in the sunroom that was added onto the house several years ago, and my mom has to sleep on the couch. Although she was doing that long before we moved back in with her. I swear, my mom lives like a teen-ager. Hell, when I first moved in with her after my divorce, the kitchen was disgusting. Dirty dishes everywhere. That kitchen was infested with cockroaches. It took me a few weeks to get them goddamn things out of there and get the house cleaned up.
Anyway, yea... so all the bedrooms are full, as well is the 2 car attached garage. We're going through stuff to get rid of what we can and get moved back into the house rather than sleeping in the sunroom and having my new computer set up out here, which takes up a ton of room with my three 43 inch monitors hooked up to it.
Oh yea... and then I made the mistake of going to a storage locker auction, where I picked up 4 lockers for a pretty good price. We scored on one of them. I'm pretty sure it was stuff that came from a store. There were some silver coins in there, some old coins, and then the amazing find: more than 100 brand new Invicta watches! So for $450, we found roughly 7 grand worth of watches. Not too shabby, huh? We're gonna sell most of them, but we're also giving away a handful of them. There's a giveaway going on right here on the site, as a matter of fact, as well as one on TikTok, which you can find the link to at the top of the site. The giveaway on TikTok is open to everyone, and will offer one of a handful of watches to choose from, each worth $50-$60. The ones you can choose from on the giveaway on this site are worth quite a bit more at $100 or more. The giveaway here is available to gold or higher members. The drawing will happen once there are 50 entries. You don't have to be a gold member or higher when the drawing happens. You just have to be in order to have your name entered. Details are in the gold area of the site. So yea... that was a hell of a fucking find. There's some boxes that we haven't even opened from those lockers yet, either. Who knows what else is in them. Maybe some more watches, knives, jewelry, more silver and/ or gold, and other stuff that you might find in a little store. That's gotta be what it was. Why else would you have that many watches? Not to mention that some of them had prices on them. So that was an exciting day, for sure.
Moving on. Since my mom inherited 70 grand after she gave Nadi and I 30% of that 100 grand, she decided she wanted a new car. Not brand new, but new to her. So after some looking, she found a 2020 Ford Fusion that is im immaculate condition. An it has every option you can think of. Heated seats, Sirius/ XM radio, backup camera, blind spot notifications, and a sunroof, which is something she always wanted to have. The dealership was asking $23,600 for it. Well, mom wanted to stay right around the 20k range. Now, we all now that you can always bring the sticker price down some. So what I did was walk into the dealership while mom and the salesgirl were negotiating. Then I bluffed the salesgirl with this line" OK, lady, we found a 2019 Ford Taurus at another dealership, which I offered $21,500 for, and he's accepting our offer. So here's the deal... we're gonna buy a car today for $21,000. You get to decide where we buy a car from." Immediately, that lady says " Oh, there's no way I can come down that far." So I said "Alright. Well, then there's no need for us to keep talking. We're buying a car for $21,500 today. Cash money. No loans or anything. So there's no need to waste your time or ours." Then we got up and started walking out. You could see the disappointment on mom's face. She really liked that Fusion. I whispered to mom "Don't worry. We're not even gonna make it to the door." Now, most buyers would have stopped before they got to the door and say something like "would you take $22,500" or whatever, and then the negotiating would begin. But once she realized that we weren't going to do that, she runs over and says " Would you do $21,900?" To which I replied with "I'm, sorry, ma'am. Like I said, there's another car at another dealership that my mom will be perfectly happy with for $21,500. Why would we pay $400 extra for a car when my mom would be perfectly happy with that Taurus?" Without hesitation, the sales lady says "Alright. I can sell it for $21,500". So we sat down, did the paperwork, and my mom write a check. Since I saved my mom $21,000, she told me that I could buy her old car, which is a 2006 Ford 500 for only $1,000. So I obviously bought it from her. So that car will be Nadi and I's daily driver. That way Nadi doesn't have to put extra miles on her Chrysler, and I don't have to drive my truck more than I have to, which gets a whole whopping 10 miles per gallon. I get super excited if my truck gets 11+ MPG. I really put new spark plugs in it and flush my tranny. I bet that would improve my mileage. Considering my truck had EXACTLY 130k miles (and I mead EXACTLY 130,000.0), and now it has somewhere between 152,000 and 153,000 on it, and it's probably never had its plugs and points replaced and I bet the tranny hasn't been serviced, which should be done at 10,000 miles. When my mom bought that Ford 500 3 years ago or so, she only paid $5k for it, so with the money I saved her on her new car and the $1k I gave her for it, she basically sold it for $3,100. Not bad. That car has about 100K miles on it and runs pretty good. I have to replace a sensor on it. It sort of hesitates at low speed, but once you hit 15 MPH or so, she runs just fine. My mom did bump into someone when she was backing, but didn't cause much damage. And then one time, she somehow hit one of those steel guards they put next to gas pumps, putting a little dent in the pack passenger door. I have no fucking clue how she managed that. Other than those minor damaged spots and a little hail damage, the car is in great shape. I'm gonna take it to a body shop and have those 2 dents fixed, and maybe the hail damage dents, if they don't cost too much. And I just recently purchased the $450 Diagon Alley set. I should have bought it a few weeks ago when Nadi told me to buy it. At that time, it was priced at $400. But I was tired, so I went to bed, planning to buy it the next day. But when I went back to the Lego site, they were sold out. So I signed up for email notifications when they got it back in stock. But I went to the Lego site nearly every day anyway to see if they got it back in stock. While they were out of stock, the price jumped $50. But on a side note, I also bought the big Hedwig set, which cost me $250. Shortly after I bought it, it went up to $300, so I guess the $50 I saved on that offset the price of Diagon Alley.
Anyway, I bought the Diagon Alley set right when they got it back in stock. I can't remember if I checked it the next day or 2 days after I bought it, but it was again out of stock when I checked and said it was temporarily out of stock again. And they don't have a date of when they will have it back in. Sometimes when they run out of a set, they allow people to backorder it so that when they get them back in stock, they send it to you right away. But they didn't do that with Diagon Alley! They will probably have them in stock in the future again. If they don't plan on releasing them, it'll say "Sold Out" rather than "Temporarily out of stock" or even just "Out of stock". It was fun to put together and is an amazing looking model. So I'm glad I broke down and bought it.
Ok, moving on further. As some of you might know, I was a bull rider back in the early to mid 2000's. I broke 57 bones in that ride. My face got pretty fucked up, which is why I try to keep my face either off the camera or wear a mask when we stream or make TikTok videos. I still have some cosmetic surgeries coming, but those are kind of on the back burner for the moment. I have a knee that has had 4 surgeries on and it still causes a lot of pain. I have to take 40MG of Percocet "Oxycodone", per day, as well as 15MG of morphine at bedtime just keep the pain under control. Considering that Oxycodone is morphine based, that's a lot of painkillers a day. Every milligram of Oxycodone is equivalent to 1.5MG of morphine. So basically, I take 75MG total of morphine per day to keep my the pain in my knee and back (where I have 2 vertebrae fused together) within a bearable level. But even with all those painkillers , there are times that the pain completely incapacities me. So I have another surgery coming on my knee, hopefully in the near future. I also did something to my shoulder a few weeks ago. Maybe I tore a rotator cuff. I had X-rays done, but those didn't show any damage. So I have to have an MRI done to see if my surgeon can find anything wrong. I refuse to do anything with my back, even though it causes pain quite often. The damage that was done is close to the spinal cord, and there's a fairly good chance that it could damage the spinal cord enough to paralyze me from the waste down. Even though the fusion is down low enough that if the surgery goes bad, it won't paralyze my arms, I still don't wanna take the gamble of losing use of my legs. Plus, I'd have to wear a diaper for the rest of my life. Fuck that. I was already told I'd never walk again... twice. Once when I broke my back, and once when I broke my neck. But the spinal cord wasn't severed. There was enough hemorrhaging that my spinal cord couldn't talk to my legs. Usually when that happens, people can't use their legs for several weeks, and that same thing happened to me. What normally happens is that people's legs don't work when they try to move them, so they just give up trying. This causes the spinal cord to atrophy out where the damage happened. But since there was a very small chance that I'd get the use of my legs back, I refused to give up. After a few weeks. a couple of muscles in my legs would twitch when I tried to move them. Shortly after that, I could wiggle my toes. So I just kept trying to move my legs, and after several months of trying to move my legs and intense physical therapy, I was able to walk again. I rely on a super beefy, custom made knee brace a lot of times, use a cane when I need to, and walk with a limp, at least I can walk. I try not to use a cane or my knee brace unless I absolutely HAVE to. I wanna keep my knee as strong as possible so I don't have to rely on either pieces of equipment. I also started wearing a back brace once in a while when I need to. Fortunately, using my back brace is rare, so that's good.
So now you're all caught up for the most part. If anyone has questions, feel free to asl me and/ or Nadi. We are both open books for the most part. Of course there a few things that we keep private, but not much. A couple of the things I like to educate people on are epilepsy and autism, which I have both of. So if you have questions on those topics, please ask and we will do our best to answer them.
And finally, this post is viewable by everyone simply because it informs everyone about my wife and I so you can get to know us a little. But in the future, my daily blogs (which I will try to post every day, but there will probably be days that I won't have time to get on the site to tell you what happened that day. But reading those posts is only available to those who subscribe to the premium memberships at bronze level, which will lower your checking or PayPal account by $1.49/ month or $10.99/ year. Higher and lower level memberships offer different privileges on the site, which you can check out by clicking the "Premium Membership" link at the top of the site. Signing up for one of those memberships helps offset the costs of maintaining and hosting this site, and might even take Nadi and I out for dinner or a movie once in a while, and those memberships are HIGHLY appreciated.
Now, then. Since this is an UBER long post that very few people will read, there's a reward for the first 10 people who made it all the way through. The first 10 people who get all the way through this post are going to be rewarded with a free 3 month top-tier membership. All you have to do is use the on-site messaging system or on my Facebook page and let me know that you read the whole thing. But this is only available for the first 10 people.
Once those 10 rewards have been handed out, I will update this post to let everyone know that they have been filled. Don't forget that the top 2 tiers offer giveaways exclusive to those tiers. Although gold members will have giveaways they can enter, the platinum members have their own exclusive rewards, which are better than the gold members. And platinum members can also enter the gold level giveaways. The higher the tier, the more privileges! I also have a grip of my mashups and remixes uploaded to the site with a nice playlist on them so you can listen to some neat stuff. I have almost 70 of them uploaded and ready to listen to at the moment, but according to the folder on my computer where I saved them all over the past few years since I started doing them, there's a grand total of 183, and most of them will be uploaded to the site in the near future. There's a few that didn't turn out as well as I had hoped so those won't be uploaded, but there's probably 50 or more that I'm happy with that I will be uploading. I also post teasers on my TikTok page that you can check out and help you decide if you think it's worth subscribing to this near little site (as least I think it's neat), which helps me offset the costs of it, helps me purchase more and better editing programs, helps me buy Legos, allows me to take Nadi to a movie, out to dinner, or buy her something nice. It also allows me to donate money to charities and people in need. Same goes for the PayPal link at the top of the website.
And I should relay this information as well: I have set up a CashApp account for those who wish to toss a little coin my way can do so. And if you like, you can use CashApp to sign up for a premium membership to the site. All you have to do is send the equivalent amount as you see on the site, and then message me either here on the site, message me on my facebook page (link in the menu), or leave a note when sending the dough to my CashApp (which is $blameziggy, by the way). No matter how you do it, I think I have to change your account manually. For some reason, the newest PHP update has fucked with my code. So until I find a workaround, I don't think the site is automatically changing your account level. So no matter how you pay for your premium membership, if you don't see your account change (which you can find on your profile), message me so I can change it for you. I should see your payment on my phone, tho, since I have CashApp and PayPal set up on my phone, but just in case I overlook it, please do message me here or on Facebook.
Alright, kids. I think we're mostly caught up, at least for now. But remember that my daily blog, unless something MAJOR happens in our lives, will be posted in a hidden thread available for Bronze members and up. So feel free to check out the premium subscriptions link in the top menu to see what each level unlocks, and if you think it's worth it, please sign up! But remember that the first 10 people who catch the message in this thread get free memberships for 3 months to the top tier so you can listen to my music, see the daily blogs, get into my personal discord server, and many more privileges.
And feel free to follow me on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and wherever I have an online presence. I will try to get those links added to the menu here in a minute, but I haven't slept in almost 24 hours, so my brain may not work well enough for me to code them in. If I have too many problems getting them added this morning, I'll do it after I get a little sleep. So they will be added one way or another today. Just don't know when.
So thanks to those who took the time to read this giant post. We appreciate each and every one of you who helped Nadi out during this rough time while we attempted to recover from this devastating blow, which I will get into more detail later on. I'm sure I'll get worked up about a couple of the beneficiaries and rant like I'm on crack (which I'm not). We appreciate all the support, and not just financial support. The mental and emotional support really helped us get through these difficult times as well.
We love you all! Hey, if people can hate others right out the gate for no reason, why can't the same happen with love?
And with that, I'm gonna try and get those links added and then maybe try to get some sleep.
Y'all take care, and if there's anything we can do for you, never hesitate to reach out to either of us. We always have an ear to bend. We can chat via Discord, here on this site, on Facebook, or wherever you like. I will even give you my phone number (which you can find on the landing page, actually), and call any time. I have nothing resembling a sleep schedule, so there's no bad time to call. If you call while I'm sleeping, my phone won't wake me up, so don't worry about that. Once I wake up and see that I missed a call or text, I'll get right back to you.
Thanks one last time. I can't express how much Nadi and I appreciate, care about, and love you guys. Y'all mean so much to us. Truly... you do.
With respect and love,