Author Topic: The rainbow community is getting out of hand.  (Read 7412 times)

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The rainbow community is getting out of hand.
« on: October 10/18/23, 2023, 04:38:52 AM »
  LGBTQ+++++++ (and so on)
  Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? Now, before you decide to get all butthurt over my little rant, read the whole thing and listen to my reasoning for it. Or not... If you'd rather just believe that anything said about the community that isn't putting them on a pedestal is hate speech, then just block me if it bugs you so much. Ask me if I care. Just like everyone else, I have the right to an opinion. Nothing I say here is a fact (probably). But it IS what I believe.
OK, so the whole gay thing is not an issue with me. But what bugs me is the list of "options", we'll call them, that grows on what seems like a daily basis. Allow me to explain why the ever-growing list gets to me.
Remember when it was just the gay community? I mean, that covers a pretty broad spectrum of people, right? Adding bisexual to it adds just about all of the rest, as far as I'm concerned, other than those simply not interested in any sexual interaction whatsoever, or those who believe they can reproduce by themselves. You know, like how a lot of plants do?
The rest is technicalities for the most part. Given, I guess, there are a few that don't fall into either of those categories, but seriously.... is there really a need to have a word for every single thing? If that's the case, we should add words for people who only like missionary style, doggy style, 69, and so on... right? I want a word! I like to have sex while I have a smoke. Where the fuck is MY word? I also like to have the TV on. Where's the word for that? I kick the animals off the bed when it's time to get frisky with my wife. Can't we call that something? It's a preference, isn't it? Or is this where it becomes a technicality? If so, then I argue that a LOT of the things on these large lists are technicalities. The reason why these monstrous lists (yes lists... as in plural, since no 2 websites seem to be able to agree on what's a thing and what's not) bug the living fuck out of me is the fact that it allows for everyone who decides they don't wanna be classified as normal (which is actually one of the preferences on a VAST majority of these lists, and is called just that... normal, rather than heterosexual) can join the LGBTQ+++++++ community. A LOT of those people simply want a word for whatever it is they do so they can join that community and be able to do the parades and try to get everyone else in the world to bow down to them.
Now, this seems like I have something against gay people and the like. I don't. It's not my thing, by any means, but hey, do you. Hey... is there a word for someone who only likes to do themself Beatosexuals. There. Add that to the list. Since we're adding a word for everything else, let's chuck that one up there while we're at it.
OK, so let's move on. This is a list of what I have found after looking at a couple of different sites. Buckle up... it's a LOOOOOOONG ride.

Androgynous - Term used to describe an individual whose gender expression and/or identity may be neither distinctly “female” nor “male,” usually based on appearance.

Asexual: A person who generally does not experience sexual attraction (or very little) to any group of people. May still have romantic, emotional, affectionate, or relational attractions towards others.

Binary Gender: A sociological construct or "traditional" view of gender limited to "man" and "woman" defined by a collection of characteristics that are culturally associated with male-ness (masculinity) or female-ness (femininity).

Binary Sex: A sociological construct or "traditional" view of sex limited to "male" and "female".

Bisexual: A person who experiences sexual, romantic, and/or physical attraction to people of their own biological sex, as well as, another biological sex.

Closeted: A person who is keeping their LGBTQ sexuality or gender identity hidden from many (or any) people. At times, being in the closet also means not wanting to admit one’s sexual identity to oneself. (By the way, how can you announce that you're closeted? Do explain.)

Coming Out: The process of revealing your sexuality or gender identity to individuals in your life. This is a lifelong and sometimes daily process.

Down Low - Pop-culture term used to describe men who identify as heterosexual but engage in sexual activity with other men (WHAT?). Often these men are in committed sexual relationships or marriages with a female partner. This term is almost exclusively used to describe men of color.

Drag Queen/Drag King - Used by people who present socially in clothing, name, and/or pronouns that differ from their everyday gender, usually for enjoyment, entertainment, and/or self-expression. Drag queens typically have everyday lives as men. Drag kings typically live as women and/or butches when not performing. Drag shows are popular in some gay, lesbian, and bisexual environments. Unless they are drag performers, most Trans people would be offended by being confused with drag queens or drag kings.

Fluid(ity): Generally with another term attached, like gender-fluid or fluid-sexuality, fluid(ity) describes an identity that is a fluctuating mix of the options available.

FTM/MTF: A person who has undergone medical treatments to change their biological sex (Female To Male, or Male To Female), often times to align it with their gender identity.

Gay: A term used to describe a man who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, or affectionately attracted to other men. At times, “gay” is used to refer to all people, regardless of sex, who have their primary sexual and or romantic attractions to people of the same sex.

Gender Neutral  - This term is used to describe facilities that any individual can use regardless of their gender (e.g. gender neutral bathrooms). This term can also be used to describe an individual who does not subscribe to any socially constructed gender (sometimes referred to as “Gender Queer”).

Gender Non Conforming  - A person who is, or is perceived to have gender characteristics that do not conform to traditional or societal expectations.

Heterosexism: Norms and behaviors that result from the assumption that all people are or should be heterosexual. This system of oppression assumes that heterosexuality is inherently normal and superior and negates LBGTQ peoples’ lives and relationships.

Homosexual: A medical definition for a person who is emotionally, romantically, or sexually attracted to members of the same biological sex. (Hey! Doesn't this sounds like it covers gay and lesbian, doesn't it? Or am I overlooking something? Maybe a man being attracted to another man or a woman being attracted to another woman are 2 completely different things. Sounds like both are a gender attracted to the same gender to me.)

In the Life  - Often used by communities of color to denote inclusion in the LGBTQ communities. (Sigh).

Lesbian: A term used to describe a woman who is emotionally, romantically, sexually, or affectionately attracted to other women.

Men Loving Men (MLM)  - Commonly used by communities of color to denote the attraction of men to men. (Or... gay?)

Men Who Have Sex with Men - men, including those who do not identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual, who engage in sexual activity with other men. (Um..... What?)

Minor Attracted Person (MAP) - We all know what that means. There's another word for it, but apparently it's offensive and not politically correct. FUCKING REALLY??????????

Openly Gay - Describes people who self-identify as lesbian or gay in their personal, public and/or professional lives. Also openly lesbian, openly bisexual, openly transgender.

Outing: When someone reveals another person’s sexuality or gender identity to an individual or group without the person’s consent or approval.

Pansexual: A person who experiences sexual, romantic, physical, and/or spiritual attraction to others regardless of gender identities/expressions or biological property.

Queer: Term describing people who have a non-normative gender identity, sexual orientation, or sexual anatomy -- can include lesbians, gay men, bisexual people, transgender people, and a host of other identities. Since the term is sometimes used as a slur, it has a negative connotation for some LGBT people; nevertheless, others have reclaimed it and feel comfortable using it to describe themselves.

Questioning: The process of exploring one’s own sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Transgender: A blanket term used to describe all individuals whose gender identity does not align their biological sex. (BLANKET TERM? How do you even break that down further? HOW?!?!)

Transitioning: A term used to describe the process of moving from one sex/gender to another.

Trans-man: A person who was assigned a female sex at birth, but identifies as a man.

Trans-woman: A person who was assigned a male sex at birth, but identifies as a woman.

(Can we group those last 2 into one? Would that be the end of the damn world?)

Transvestite - A person who dresses like the opposite gender. (Hey, what if you are a dude who identifies as a woman who dresses like a man? Is that like a trans-transvestite? Let's add that to the list!)

Two-Spirit: Contemporary term chosen by Native American/Indigenous people who identify with a third gender, implying a masculine and a feminine spirit in one body.

Women Loving Women (WLW)  - Commonly used by communities of color to denote the attraction of women to women. (Or... lesbian?)

Ok, that's the list of the ones that a handful of different resources provide. But clearly, I missed some, considering the whole acronym is lgbtqqip2saa.......PLUS.

Now, does this all seem necessary? While I have absolutely no doubt that there are quite a few people who aren't "normal" (which, by the way, there is a flag for in the rainbow community, which looks like sideways prison bars) who legitimately are what they claim they are. But inventing new words for the tiniest of things just so one can join a community that for some reason likes to do parades, fly flags, claim every color in the rainbow, and are sure to announce what they are at every possible opportunity, especially when they know it's gonna either make someone else uncomfortable or will result in worship is absurd. Maybe it has something to do with trying to make the rainbow community bigger. Y'all might wanna be careful, tho. If you become too big, then straight people will become the minority, and then you will have to worship US! And then WE can have parades, our own flag, and all that other jazz. I also think straight people should have their own section in every retail store with clothes announcing how straight we are. I think we should have a month, too. Not really. I don't think there should be any of those things. FOR ANY GODDAMN PREFERENCE! Why can't everyone just do their own goddamn thing, not have to announce what we do between the sheets, and just leave it at that? And I mean everyone, no matter if you're in the rainbow community or not.
You know what I don't have any issues with? People who aren't straight and whatnot. You know what I DO have an issue with? People who think that there should be words for every possible situation, a majority which aren't really even things. Like thinking you can impregnate yourself and have a baby without another person or without a donor. Yea... because that can totally happen... right? The reason why this is in an issue for me is due to the fact that it makes it possible for absolutely anyone to join the rainbow community for one reason or another and be able to be put up on a pedestal.
Now don't get me wrong. I have no cause to believe that everyone in the community wants to be worshiped. But those who fly flags, march in parades, and the like... those people generally do. Not all of them, by any means, but a LOT of them. You don't see a bunch of people flying "I'm Straight!" flags in their yard, do you? Hell, we don't even fly the black and white bar flag that the rainbow community has so lovingly bestowed on us.
Now then, those who are gonna argue with me, tell me how wrong I am, how much I hate certain people, and the like, get after it. I'm looking forward to seeing how many people think I'm a hateful person, how I try to put down certain people, and whatever else people can come up with in order to fight the machine. Or whatever it's called. Really... I am looking forward to it. Every time I rant about something, regardless of what it is, there always has to be a grip of people coming out of the woodwork in order to fire up a "debate". And I'm sure this one will really bring these comments on. Here's the weird thing: there are, what, 3 or 4 people on my friends list who are rainbow community members who won't say a thing. 1 or 2 of them will likely even agree with me. I know that one of them will, for sure. Whether they do it publicly, I don't know. Probably not. And I can't blame them. Any time someone in the rainbow community does anything but claim that their community is all powerful and should be worshiped, they get absolutely ridiculed by a vast majority of the rest of that community. Brutally.
So there. There's my rant for the day. Not that anyone is gonna see it before facebook takes it down and puts me in jail. But that's alright. It'll also be on my website here in a day or 2. And I know that a LOT of people read my stuff there. More than on facebook, I'm sure. But I sense that i will be in facebook jail before long. Whether it's because their automods decide that it's hate speech or whether someone reports me, I have no doubt it'll be gone before the end of the day. Especially if it's reported. Because heaven forbid someone express their opinion about something, that opinion offends someone, and facebook automatically has to bow down to them, lest they be classified as bigoted themselves.
And now I'm gonna go to bed. I intend to sleep on my left side, watching tv, with 3 dogs and a cat laying on the bed somewhere either between or on my wife and I as i cover up with a comforter. Call me a "Fluffernesterquiltophilicentwinedgentlefellow".

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