Author Topic: Premium Subscriptions, how they work, and what they do. (Updates in progress!)  (Read 9190 times)

Offline Ziggy

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Here's the deal, guys. This post was originally made on December 5, 2021 when the website was first launched. Unfortunately, many things have changed due to PHP being updated to 8.0 a few days ago, which really messed with my code. So there a few changes coming to the benefits of being a Premium subscriber. But things like the instant messenger service have had to be removed, at least for now until I find a workaround, provided I can. There's a chance that this 8.0 update changed things so much that many of these little programs I wrote to shake hands with the site will never work again, and I'm not sure if I have the patience to rewrite them all from scratch. But even tho the instant messenger feature has been removed, Premium subscribers will still be able to send and receive messages via the on-site email type thing. Those messages are still instant from one user to the next. I just had to remove the program that put up the instant messenger window like how Facebook does on their site. So to explain as best I can, the old instant messenger that I had written for the site acted just like the one on Facebook in the bottom right of their site. But there is another way to check your messages on Facebook, and that's by going to the link that says "Read all messages in messenger" or something like that, and it takes you to a page where you have full-screen messages. So, on this site, the little window in the bottom right that popped up a message from another user within a few seconds has been taken out, but being able to see messages in full screen mode is still a thing. The only difference between the way the one on this site works as opposed to the way the Facebook one works is you will have to refresh the page here to see any new incoming messages. I'm not entirely sure what else will have to be changed, but I promise you that there will still be PLENTY of perks for each tier. And unfortunately, as I detail in a different post here on the site, I just came back to the forum section of my site a couple days ago after abandoning it for several months due to the loss of my computer and some real life stuff that I had to attend to. Upon returning, I noticed that the forum was absolutely FLOODED with spam-bot posts, scammers, and other malicious activities. So to prevent that from happening, users will not be able to post anything on the site unless they sign up for ANY level of a premium subscription. But this isn't for me to make money off of you. I mean, seriously... all you need is the 99 cent a month subscription (which is the bottom tier) in order to post topics and replies as well as grant you a couple of extra perks. These subscription fees are paid via paypal, who takes a 30 cent transaction fee as well as 3%, totaling 33 cents of that 99 cents. I literally only get 67 cents a month off it. So yea... making people pay for a premium subscription in order to post isnt to generate revenue... its to prevent spam-bots from flooding the site. Anyhow, that's all explained in the other post that I made earlier today, which I will also link here at the end of this post. It's quite a long post, but I recommend everyone take a few minutes to read it, as it also includes the main guidelines for the site. Anyone who violates the guidelines takes the chance of getting muted, banned, or even account deletion, pending on the severity of the guideline violation. Failing to read the guidelines does not make you immune to them. Ignorance is no excuse for not following the very simple, very few guidelines. That post also tells you a little about me, and a couple things in there I'm sure will make people automatically hate me (which is ridiculous, by the way to hate ANYONE for those reasons), but what are ya gonna do? I'm an honest person and I wear my stuff right out there on my sleeves. If you wanna hate me just because I believe in and/ or support something you do not, that's on you. One thing is for sure... I'm not gonna hate you for having a different belief than my own.
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway... once again, I rambled right off topic onto a whole other one. But don't worry... once I get the perks of the tiers figured out, I'll be taking this here post down and putting up the shorter, right to the point version. Here is the link I promised you!
So below are the original perks of becoming a Premium subscriber and what each tier costs. The prices will not change any time soon, but some of the perks will. However, the perks will definitely be better than what's listed below. Once I get the new perks all figured out and working, I will re-edit this post to make it shorter. But I decided to just add this information on the original post to help avoid confusion. Please bear with me as I continue to improve the site, make changes, and try to come with new ideas while killing bugs and finding workarounds. And once again, I thank each and every one of you for your support over the past few years. And not just financially. As a matter of fact, that's the least important one. The emotional and moral and support is what REALLY got my wife, Nadi and I through these past couple of years. I don't know how different things would have been for us had it not been for all the love we received, but I can almost guarantee one thing: it wouldn't have been good.
Anyway, below here is the original post made in December of 2021. I just wanted everyone to know that these perks are not accurate anymore, but there will be a grip of new stuff coming to each tier. Prices, however, remain the same. Hopefully there will be enough people signing up for premium memberships that I break even on my music making, music distribution, editing programs, and the like. But if not, who the fuck cares? I'm not gonna let that slow me down or stop me. I love making original music and remixing other peoples' music. Nothing is gonna get in the way of me doing that. Unless...unless my new computer decides to take a shit on me, too. If that happens, I will be out of commission with audio stuff for a few days until I can either get it repaired or get a replacement. But as long as my computer holds up (and I see no reason why it won't), I will be strapped in with headphones and playing with music, whether it be my own original stuff or tweaking someone else's. Unless I'm working on stuff that actually pays the bills, that is. Unfortunately, there are times when I have to make my self adult for a day and get some coding done for a client's website and/ or mobile app, doing graphic design, or editing radio and tv commercials.
Alright, I'm gonna stop rambling now. We all know how good I am at that. Especially when I'm tired. Any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, feel free to reply to this thread with them. However, only Premium subscribers can reply here. So for those who aren't Premium subscribers, you are more than welcome to head on over to my Facebook page and message me there. The link to that is at the bottom of the "General Category" of the forum.
Y'all have a great day!

Alright. Here is is, boys and girls. In case you haven't noticed, there are no ads on the website. And there never will be. You will always be able to access the website without having to be peppered with those pesky ads making stuff look ugly. However, there are always costs to running a website. Domain registration, hosting, and most importantly, SSL security, which makes sure your information is always kept safe and secure all put dents in the checkbook. Not big dents, but still... dents. Therefore, there is the option to sign up for a Premium Subscription to the website, which is, as you will notice if you click on the "Premium Subscriptions" link in the top menu, are quite inexpensive, starting at a mere 99 cents. A portion of the proceeds also gets donated to various charities, including Wounded Warriors of America, Autism Speaks, St. Jude's Children's Hospital, Shriner's Hospital, and many more.
Other revenue generated from the Premium Memberships helps me cover website costs, helps me purchase more software and hardware to expand my music creating as well as distribution of said music to all major streaming platforms. So, with that all said, here is a list of the Premium Memberships, their costs, and their benefits.

Copper Membership: $0.99/ Month, $6.99/ Year
Benefits include access to various hidden boards, use of the website instant messenger service, Ziggy's personal Discord server, and the Q&A section.

Bronze Membership: $1.49/ Month, $10.99/ Year
Benefits include all Copper Membership benefits as well as Ziggy's Daily Blog.

Silver Membership: $1.99/ Month, $14.99/ Year
Benefits include all Copper and Bronze Membership benefits as well as Discord streams Ziggy's injury log.

Gold Membership: $2.49/ Month, $18.99/ Year
Benefits include all Copper, Bronze, and Silver Membership benefits as well as exclusive giveaways.

Platinum Membership: $2.99/ Month, $22.99/ Year
Benefits include all Copper, Bronze, Silver, and Gold benefits as well as access to Ziggy's music, including early access to music that will be released to all major streaming platforms. There will also be access to music that will never be released to anywhere else in the world! At least one new mashup will be released every month, guaranteed!

There may be added features to different tiers as well in the future as I come up with new ideas. Or if members come up with new ideas, for that matter. So stay tuned and see what more stuff will be added!

And don't forget that a portion of each and every subscription will be donated to various charities, which will rotate out once each one's goal is met. 

One last note: the first 10 people who sign up for a year of Platinum Membership will have their benefits tripled! 1 of these spots has already been claimed, so there are only 9 left! Be sure to inbox me here on the website to make sure there are still spots available before you sign up for a Platinum Membership if you are looking specifically for the 2 year bonus!

If you are having issues getting the payment page to load, be sure to turn off your popup blocker. And if for some reason your membership doesn't automatically activate once your payment has cleared, be sure to inbox me so I can see what the issue is and get it fixed for you!
« Last Edit: October 10/13/22, 2022, 07:37:01 PM by Ziggy »
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Hi. I'm Ziggy, the owner and operator of I have had a very interesting life, most of which you will be able to read about on this site. I am an Air Force veteran, which is one reason I have decided to donate 25% of ALL proceeds generated by this site to various Veteran Charities.