Copper+ Member Area > Introductions

Hi. I'm Ziggy!


So, you have found me. I'm Ziggy. I live in Roswell, NM, USA. I was born in Iowa, raised in South Dakota, where my family owned several small ranches that I helped work until I was 16. I then moved out, went to truck driving, and met my first wife in California. I moved to California and lived there for almost 2 years. I had a daughter in 1996. My first wife passed away in a car wreck in 1998. Shortly after, I joined the Air Force with the hopes of one day becoming an astronaut. Although that dream wasn't in the cards for me, I was able to qualify to fly an F-16, which I did in Kosovo in 1999. I was granted an honorable discharge from the Air Force later that year due to medical issues. After some exploring America spending some time in Jamaica and then in Hawaii, I decided to get a higher education. I received my Associate's degree in Web Design, Bachelor's in Computer Science, and Master's in Information Technology from UCLA. I also received Associates degrees in Marketing and Advertising when I went back home to South Dakota. In late 2004, a friend and I decided to start a small web design company, which we still operate to this day with my current wife and a couple of other team members.
So, yea. That's me in a nutshell. As a disabled person, I spend a lot of time at home, making websites (usually for fun), doing beadwork, streaming, and making music. As you may know, I make movie score type music as well as remixes and mashups of popular songs, much of which you can find right here on the website. Seeing's how I have to always be expanding my gear, programs, and the like, a Platinum Subscription to the website is required to listen to most of my mashups and remixes (see details in the "Premium Subscriptions" board).
Any questions?


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